On 19 October, Intan Chemical Group joining Trade Expo Indonesia 2022, the event held by the Indonesia government to expand the potential of local manufacturers, business and digital creator products in global market. TEI is Indonesia’s biggest B2B exhibition that covers Trade, Tourism, and Investment. As a manufacturer Originated in Indonesia, Intan Chemical Group joining the Exhibition and brings the exclusive customers Brand, Möhler Indonesia the Food Ingredient Specialist, and also BénBérg Arôme, the professional taste & scent creator to showcase their product to 40.000 visitors.

At this exhibition, Mohler Indonesia served the visitors with the application of the final product using the Flavor Paste and also Food coloring. BenBerg Arome also did the final products of Avenir, the newest development of Flavor, which was created to fulfill the demand for plant-based food variants. The event was held for five days and attended by more than 40.000 visitors from Indonesia and other countries.